What lengths am I willing to go to in order to do right by every child?


There are so many words I wanted to include in my cloud, but I chose a few that stuck out to me throughout the module that I truly know and understand. 

So, what lengths am I willing to go to in order to do right by every child? The first thing in my classroom is to show and bring awareness; I will be teaching younger children so this may be harder to portray and get them to fully understand. Easily, I could educate them on cultural or racial history throughout the year that I would see in the TEKS. I would also make it a principle that no one in my classroom is better than one another, including myself as the teacher; like said in Task 2 of M10, “To accomplish them you will need to be humble enough to give up some of your own power within the classroom”. 

I want all of my students to have the same opportunities in order to succeed. Being the teacher of the room, the most knowledgeable, and the most skilled (among my younger students) it will be my job to protect each child. You have to set these things in their head at a young age so it isn’t an issue for them in the future. Teach them that we are all equal so they grow up knowing that, teach them that anyone in this class can be the President, and teach them that color, sex, religion, or whatever, does not determine anything about one another. Even though I will be handling such a small population of our future, little by little I can educate, shape, and mold my students into socio-culturally conscious humans.
