What Makes Great Teahing

 I believe that being a teacher takes a specific type of person. You have to be selfless, culturally aware, respectable, nurturing, accountable, and so much more. You have to be able to adapt to each child’s needs and disabilities and know what works or doesn’t work. Some of my favorite strategies that I learned throughout the course were the six elements of social justice, Worditout, black-out poems, golden lines, and anticipation guides. These all can be adjusted or modified to any learning level if needed. 

The six elements of social justice are self-love and knowledge, respect for others, issues of social injustice, social movements and change, awareness raising, and social action. After reading a few of the children’s novels about the six elements, I became more aware of how these issues in society affect children. Applying this strategy to a lesson can help educate your students on these problems and remove them from your classroom. 

Worditout is where you gather important words from a lesson or article and paste them into the website to create an abstract text of them all. This helped me learn more because I was able to jot down words that stuck out to me throughout the lesson and then create an image to represent an impactful summary of what I learned. 

In a black-out poem, you gather an article or some sort of text and scratch out some words, but leave the important information visible. This was inspirational to me in a way that the black-out poems I found pointed out an important message about topics that needed attention such as gender inequality, racism, cultural appropriation, or politics. 

When selecting golden lines, you read an article and write down what you think the most important line or lines are. This allows you to carefully read and choose one or more quotes from articles that reveal an important message that can even summarize the article alone. 

In an anticipation guide, you write down what you know about the subject before reading, during reading, and after reading. Anticipation guides allow the reader to dig deeper into a topic and find key facts or items that they may be missing. 

In conclusion, there are so many techniques you can use to educate your students in impactful ways, these are just five of them. You can discover strategies that other educators have used before, ones you have used as a student, or even create your own!
